
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Well, I would say that the movement physics should probably be a bit tighter, but that's probably an intentional decision given the nature of the game. That being said, I always find that these sorts of games (e.g. ones designed to be ludicrously difficult) are a lot better with musics, or at LEAST sound effects of some kind.

Also, as someone who's played several games with boss battles/mini-bosses that use attacks which cause stuff to fall from the ceiling, I can't really say that this is the most original concept, even if the execution is good (though I've seen better (e.g. Freedom Planet Boss 1), I've also seen worse... coughMegaMan9JewelManMiniBosscough).

Now if only it had music...

Cube Dodge is a simple 3D game... all you have to do is Dodge the Cubes and aim for a high score...

Warning Cube Dodge is a challenging and addicting game and my cause people to rage quit, you have been warned...

My high score - 185

A and/or Left Arrow Key - Move Left
D and/or Right Arrow Key - Move Right
Restart - R
Go back to the menu - Backspace


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